Wednesday, January 20, 2010

ANOTHER "snow" day...

except this one's ice. Argh, I am so sick of this! I guess the plus side is that Caden can practice potty training here at home. We started our morning with him getting undies on, then promptly peeing all over his bedroom floor. I guess he had to pee! Oops.

Actually, the morning started at 5am with Avery jumping around and squealing in DECLAN'S crib. Yes, you read that right. We have told her she is NOT to come downstairs until she hears people awake or sees that it's light outside, but apparently that didn't matter. She said she wasn't tired anymore. Hel-lo, the rest of us are! So she woke both boys up and James had to referree and send her up to her room. That lasted until about 6:30 when she came and turned on our bedroom light overhead, thereby waking me and stirring the twins. I was about to get ticked but sent her out again...not sure what she did for the next 30 minutes but I really don't care. It's a no school day and you're up by 5am when you usually sleep until at least 7-7:30? NOT cool. Not quite sure how to handle this one....advice?


Angelica mom to JesusRTS said...

wow! not sure how i would have handled that. my advice would be to get her a 2 way intercom for her room and yours so she has to ask if she can get up. and you can repond to her from your room and say no or yes. we tell Esmeralda to read if she wakes up to early. hope this helps.:)

CureSMA4Stella said...

You have amazing patience girl!!! Big hugs to you!!! :)

Jen said...

Amelia did the same thing! What I did was before bed we counted out 5 chocolate chips and if she stayed in bed until I got her up, she got the chocolate chips. Worked like a charm. I also gave her a basket of books by her bed. She was allowed to read if she stayed quiet and didn't wake anyone up. Everytime she did, she lost the books.

Those two things combined knocked it down to about one or two days per week of the battle instead of 7!

Jennifer said...

Hey Tena,
We had the same problem with Luke. He has a night light in his room now that is on a timer. He isn't allowed to come out of his room until the light goes off at 6:30. It worked for him! Hope your weekend goes better.:)