Someone really needs to tell my wonderful parents that their laptop BLOWS. I'm serious. I'm not entirely sure what's up with it but it has closed down internet explorer no less than 5 times i the short time I've been sitting here. Actually, perhaps it's an internet explorer thing. Imagine that!
So school was held today, even though most walkways were glare ice. They did a late start, and they added the wonderful clause that the buses would be on hard surfaces only. Sometimes, living on gravel is not cool. HOWEVER. I have to say that the director of the bus barn is AWESOME and told our bus driver our road was good enough to travel! (As an aside, the director is also Caden's 1:1 associate's husband, LOL!! It pays to have friends in high places!) The next however is that we were already making plans to go to my parents for the day so Caden got picked up here instead. Why, you ask? Well, because living on gravel is not cool, as I mentioned previously - we are without power. And that is not doable with 2 infants because yes, I am one of those mothers who microwaves her babies' bottles, even though it says not to. Oh well!
Yesterday was not a good day. I nearly lost it with all my kids. It was just too much. Do you ever have those moments where you swear your head might come disconnected from your body if one.more.thing rubs you the wrong way? And yes, I admit I was punchy, but wow. Caden peed on the carpet upstairs in at least 3 places that I could feel/smell. He had zero success on the potty while home all day but did pee all over. That was so frustrating. Then Declan. He's 2. And he whines a lot. I'm not sure how to punish whining other than to ignore, but my ears couldn't ignore it yesterday. And Avery...I mentioned she was up by 5am? That didn't work out so well for her. She was RUDE, she was disobedient, she had the audacity to narrow her eyes and glare at me when I told her no to something (wonder where she gets those over-the-top facial expressions from?????). The twins were good. They're honestly always good. Well, almost always. I add that only because I'm sure if I say always they'll go and prove me wrong and I'm just not in the mood for that.
And today I am not doing so well with weight watchers. I'm at my parents' all day and I don't want to count points. I just had 3 York peppermint patties with a Diet Sunkist chaser. But other than that I've been doing ok overall. This is tough stuff though people! I'm trying to undo 9 years of horrible eating habits, and old habits die hard.
Tena, we ALL have those days! In fact, I think just knowing that school was cancelled yesterday made me irritable toward EVERYONE and since Mark was working, the kids got the brunt of it. Just chalk it up as a "bad" day, and keep on plugging away. Ever heard the saying that anything worth doing isn't going to be easy? Take that to heart, especially on days like that. (FYI, while typing this, Mark was losing his mind while G sassed and N peed all over our clean laundry since she was diaperless for her bath...sigh)
Ha!! Love you Val!
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