Monday, September 07, 2009

If you've ever wondered what it's like when BOTH twins cry at the same time...

here ya go. It's just too cute not to take some video of!!! Macey on the left, Madelyn on the right (as per usual):



Unknown said...

That is just too adorable! My 2-year-old son also watched and he thought it was hilarious! LOVE the outfits too.

Mark and Valerie Brandt said...

AWWWWWW. Don't let them cry. Call Val and let her come and snuggle them...of course if it is the middle of the night, you are on your own....

Well, people said twins would be "fun", you just didn't know how sick those people's idea of fun was, huh?!?!?!?!?!?!

MusicalMom said...

Oh, that's ALL too familiar. lol

Tena said...

Jo Bach - tell me about you! I wanna know who you are. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my Tena. That was cute. I think I might freak out if it were me though. ha ha,

Christine said...
