Thursday, July 07, 2011

Yep, it's us

Tonight it was our turn for bedtime on our own again (aka, no Heather). Declan did fine at first and after about 15 minutes the screaming began. I had him talk to Heather on the phone, but that didn't work either. The screaming lasted for (only) 30 minutes, so I'd say it's a real success. Here's to hoping we're on our way to scream-free bedtimes!


megan vande voort said...

Hey! When we were little we got to listen to a story on tape (I know old school). We listened to the Psalty the songbook bedtime stories. Have you tried letting him listen to a story on cd? If you want to try it I have some on cd like curious george, yertle the turtle etc.

Mark and Valerie Brandt said...

that is a great idea....yertle the turtle is awesome!!!!!